TeamJava member
Mark Qian

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BACKGROUND: specialties software hardware/OS projects

Send email to: Mark Qian

Rates: 100 to 140

Services provided as a freelancing individual

Homepage URL

Portfolio/Resume URL

Available for full-time and part-time contract any time
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Mountain View, CA.  USA 

Best way to contact
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Java / Visual C++ / PlugIns
Visual Basic / Javascript / CGI
  - GUI, Multimedia, Animation.      - JAVA, Neuscape Plugins, LiveConnect,
    CGI, PERL, Javascript, HTML, 
  - Visual C++(MFC), NT, Visual Basic, 
    MS Access, C, Windows SDK, DLL, DDE, OLE,
  - UNIX (Bourne, Korn, and C shell),X Window(Xlib,Motif)
Preferred projects
Software Development in VC++(MFC), Java,
Netscape PluIns, Javascript, LiveConnect,VB,(Better have both Java and VC++)
Platform of focus
Win95 and NT with VC++, UNIX with Java or CGI
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Past projects
Over 7 years of software development experience:
Centigram(3/97-present): Develop a Netscape PlugIns       voice mail system using full LiveConnect.
Sun Microsystem(1/97-3/97): Develop a Web-base Chat system 
      in Java including both server app and client applet.
Hewlett Packard(8/96-12/96): Develop a Web-base quote and order 
      system using Javascript, server-side Java, CGI in Perl.
Netscape(3/96-8/96): Develop a Plug-In Financial program for 
      Netscape Navigator using Visual C++(MFC), Visual Basic, 
      Netscape Plug-Ins, HTML, Java, Javascript, CGI, PERL. 
J. Frank Consulting(1/96-3/96): Planning, designing, developing, 
      and testing the GUIs of a client-server telephony project in NT using Visual C++(MFC).

Programming background
Work involved define functionality, writing
speciication & requirement, design, implementation, integration, testing, mainenance.

Languages background
programming in (MS-C, C++, Visual C++) since 1/1990,
programming in Visual Basic since 4/1993
programming in JavaProgramming Java since 9/1995.
Programming Netscape Plugins since 4/1996 with LiveConnect
Programming CGI in Perl since 12/1995

Tools available - SOFTWARE

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Resouces offered to the public - free/demo/trial
Java applets(Free-Adware and shareware), screen savers(shareware, freeware)
$15 - $52

URL for more info

Predictions for Java (8 - June - 96)

TeamJava link button

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